A letter from the Reunion Committee!
I wanted to let you know that we have secured the Geneva Golf Club as the venue for our 50th class reunion. The date will be June 27, 2020. That will be Swedish Day weekend in Geneva. Plans for a Friday night get together are being discussed. Debbie and Paul Conterato have generously offered their home as a gathering place for Friday. Also, the Friday night beer garden at the American Legion is usually well attended by many Geneva alumni, especially on the early end of the evening (6:00 to 8:00pm). So we may try to incorporate both and encourage friends to enjoy the night as they choose. No plans have been made for Sunday at this time.
We on the committee are hoping that you will save the date and plan to join us. We would love a "record" turn out. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to let me know or contact any of the committee members shown below. When we have all the details we will put them on the website and let you know when it's available online. let you know when it's available online. If you have any suggestions or would like to help in the planning, let us know.
If you can, please reach out to any classmates that may not be included in this email. We don't have email addresses for everyone and some of the ones we have, may be outdated. We would appreciate your help in spreading the word.
I know it's early, but I would like to get a head count as soon as possible. I don't have an estimated cost yet. The cost will depend on the number of people attending. The class has $300 left over from the last reunion so that will be put toward the rental of the golf club. Paul and Debbie helped us get a sponsor for the golf club which makes that venue the most cost effective of the options we explored.
We look forward to hearing from you and to a great 50th reunion with the super fab class of 1970!
Thank you,
Laurie Larson Raap
ALL graduates from Geneva in 1970, regardless of the school graduating from, are welcomed to join!
If you didn't receive an email, be sure to update your contact information Laura Larsen Raap. Your email address is most helpful, phone and mail address are also useful.
Even though the 40th has come and gone, there are a variety of ways that you can use to keep in touch, share information about the class, and help prepare for the next reunion.
Have info you'd like to share with the entire class for the "Updates" section?
Have thoughts, comments about this year's Reunion or suggestions for next to share with the Committee? Feel free to outline that in an email.
Have contact information about "Missing" classmates? Let us know.
In all cases, use the email address of: Laura Larsen Raap.